How to Build Next.js Websites Directly from Figma Mockups

Building modern web applications requires a seamless workflow from design to development. For many development teams, a common starting point is the design tool, where designers create detailed mockups and user interfaces.

Figma has emerged as one of the leading design tools for UI/UX professionals due to its powerful collaboration features and ease of use. On the development side, Next.js, a React-based framework, has gained immense popularity for building performant, scalable, and SEO-friendly websites.

In this article, we will explore how to translate Figma designs into fully functioning Next.js websites, walking through the process from design to code.

We will also cover best practices for exporting assets, structuring components, and maintaining design consistency.

1. Understanding the Workflow: Figma to Next.js

The process of turning a Figma mockup into a Next.js website can be broken down into several key steps:

Design in Figma: Designers create a mockup or prototype of the website, including layout, colors, typography, and other design elements.

Export Assets from Figma: Developers export images, icons, and other graphical assets from Figma for use in the website.

Component-Based Development in Next.js:
Developers build the website using React components in Next.js, leveraging the exported assets and following the design specifications.

Styling and Layout:
Developers implement styling using CSS, Sass, or a CSS-in-JS solution like Styled-components or Tailwind CSS to match the Figma design.

Final Adjustments and Deployment:
The site is tested for responsiveness, interactivity, and SEO optimization before deployment.
By following this Figma to Next.js workflow, teams can ensure that the final website looks and functions as intended based on the original design.

2. Designing in Figma: Setting the Foundation

Figma serves as the starting point for most design projects. It allows designers to create wireframes, mockups, and high-fidelity prototypes, which help visualize the website’s structure and user experience.

Some key considerations when designing in Figma for a Next.js website include:

Design with Components: Figma allows designers to create reusable components (buttons, cards, forms, etc.). This modular design approach aligns well with React’s component-based architecture, making mapping designs directly to React components in Next.js easier.

Use Auto Layout: Figma’s auto layout feature helps designers create responsive designs that adapt to different screen sizes. When converting designs to code, auto layout ensures the structure is easily translated into flexible, responsive web layouts.

Responsive Grids and Constraints: Since modern websites need to work on a variety of screen sizes (mobile, tablet, desktop), designers should set up grids and constraints in Figma. This will make it easier to translate the design into responsive web components.

Typography and Spacing: Consistent typography, spacing, and sizing are important for design quality. Figma’s “Styles” feature helps maintain consistency by allowing designers to define text and color styles that developers can later reference.

Once the design is ready, it is time to hand it over to the development team.

3. Exporting Assets from Figma

Before starting the development process in Next.js, it is important to extract the required assets from the Figma design. Figma allows developers to easily export images, icons, and other graphical elements in various formats such as PNG, SVG, and JPEG. Here’s how to efficiently export assets from Figma:

Select Exportable Layers: In Figma, you can mark specific layers or groups as exportable. This allows you to export only the necessary assets, such as logos, icons, or background images, without having to deal with the entire design.

Choose the Right Format: You can export in different formats depending on the asset. For icons and vector graphics, SVG is usually the best choice because it scales without losing quality. For raster images, PNG is preferred if you need transparency, while JPEG is a good choice for background images.

Optimize for Web: Figma allows you to export images in 1x, 2x, or 3x resolutions. When exporting assets for Next.js, ensure that images are optimized for performance to avoid slow load times. Tools like TinyPNG or Squoosh can help compress images without losing quality.

With the assets ready, it’s time to dive into the development process.

4. Building the Website in Next.js

Next.js is a React-based framework that simplifies the development of fast, SEO-friendly websites. The development phase involves converting the Figma design into reusable React components within the Next.js framework.

A. Setting Up the Next.js Project

The first step is to set up a basic Next.js project. If you haven’t already, you can create a new Next.js project using the following command:


npx create-next-app my-nextjs-project
cd my-nextjs-project
npm run dev

This will set up a new Next.js project with all the necessary dependencies and configurations.

B. Creating the Layout and Components

Next.js, being a React framework, is component-driven. For a seamless transition from Figma to Next.js, map the UI components in the design to React components. This includes elements like headers, footers, buttons, and cards.

Example: Creating a button component that matches the Figma design.

const Button = ({ text, onClick }) => {
  return (
    <button className=”btn” onClick={onClick}>

export default Button;
Style the button to match the Figma design:

.btn {
background-color: #0070f3;

color: white;

padding: 10px 20px;

border-radius: 5px;

border: none;

cursor: pointer;


This component-based structure ensures that the UI remains modular and easy to maintain.

B. Styling the Website

When styling your website, it’s important to stay consistent with the Figma design. You can achieve this by using various styling techniques:

CSS Modules: Next.js supports CSS Modules out of the box. CSS Modules allow you to scope your CSS locally to a component, reducing the chance of style collisions.

Styled-Components or Emotion: These are CSS-in-JS libraries that allow you to write actual CSS within JavaScript. This can help you keep styles tightly coupled with components.

Tailwind CSS: Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that pairs well with Next.js. It provides low-level utility classes that make it easy to implement Figma designs with minimal custom CSS.

D. Making the Website Responsive

A critical aspect of web development is ensuring that your website works well on various screen sizes. The responsiveness of the design is typically defined in Figma, and you’ll need to replicate this in the code by using CSS media queries or frameworks like Tailwind CSS.

For example, you can use Tailwind CSS to quickly create responsive layouts:

<div className=”container mx-auto p-4 sm:p-8″>
    <h1 className=”text-2xl sm:text-4xl”>Responsive Heading</h1>

In this code, the text-2xl sm:text-4xl class ensures that the heading size adjusts based on the screen size, as defined in the design.

5. Final Adjustments and Deployment

Once the website is built, it’s important to test it for responsiveness, interactivity, and performance. Next.js offers built-in support for performance optimization through features like image optimization, automatic code splitting, and server-side rendering (SSR).

When you’re satisfied with the website, you can deploy it using platforms like Vercel, which is the official hosting provider for Next.js. Vercel offers seamless integration, making deployment quick and easy.


Building Next.js websites from Figma mockups requires a well-structured workflow that ensures design consistency and optimal performance. By following best practices for asset export, component-based development, and responsive design, developers can translate designs into high-quality websites that meet modern web standards.

For businesses looking to streamline this process and ensure top-tier results, it can be beneficial to hire Next.js developers who specialize in transforming Figma designs into fully functional, performant websites. With the combination of Figma’s powerful design capabilities and Next.js’s robust development framework, teams can deliver seamless user experiences efficiently.