Cydia Updates UI to Match Apple’s New Minimalist Look

It appears the availability to  jailbreak iOS 7  didn’t only catch us by surprise, the Cydia team may have also been out the loop too.  But  rest assure it didn’t take long for  Jay Freeman(saurik) the founder of Cydia and his team of developers to update the UI of their unofficial app platform to match Apple’s new minimalist look. As of right now its only a cosmetic upgrade with  the new wipe based navigation that seem to run a lot smoother on our tested iPhone 5. Unfortunately, individual app developers still haven’t  updated their codes to be compatible with  the new iOS7.  We are hopefully this  will gradually catch on.

If you haven’t  seen the updated  UI, checkout the screenshots below, and you can checkout our tutorial on how to jailbreak your iOS7 devices here.


