What’s New in Digital Marketing?

2018 represents an emancipatory climate for the digital world. As digital technology becomes more and more ubiquitous, there are increasing opportunities for digital marketing professionals to harness the power of new algorithmic learning and data analysis techniques. There is a great opportunity for creative masters to advertise to the world’s population via the internet and only users will decide who succeeds in this race. Listed below are the top digital marketing trends to keep on your radar as we move towards 2019.

Artificial Intelligence is More Than Just a Phase

Artificial Intelligence is gaining traction in the contemporary technological climate. AI systems are getting smarter by the day and programmatic advertising – a marketing tool that enables companies to target audiences more specifically – is on the rise. So heavily on the rise, in fact, that it is rumored that 84% of the digital display ads in the US will be programmatic by 2019. In addition, companies are increasingly communicating with users via ‘chatbot technology’ to save money, time and hassle. They are also popular with customers who appreciate quick responses and a lack of ‘human’ error. Yes, chatbots have been around for many years, but not in the capacity they are starting to be used in today.

Personalization: Every Customer is Unique 

Personalisation has become a massive element of digital marketing over the past few years. This unique trend rejects the view of users as a “mass” of consumers and attempts to market only relevant content to potential customers because this enhances customer engagement. Imperative for improving your ROI when using email marketing, which is easy to calculate here, companies use personalization to increase the open-rate of marketing emails. It creates a bond of trust and interest between consumer and business that’s crucial to continued trade going forward.

Enhancing User Experience with Video

 As social media companies have learned over the past decade, videos are much more popular than still images. Part of the reason behind this shift is that photoshopping has recently been getting a bad name. It’s presented essentially as a ‘fake news’ generator, and negative publicity about photoshoot editing has been rife in recent years. Video is also certainly more engaging when scrolling through a feed of content on one’s phone. Not only does video inclusion boost SEO, but it keeps your consumers engaged for much longer than an image is likely to.

Visual Search is Easier

Visual search allows potential consumers to take a photo of someone in the street wearing a beautifully soft leopard-print coat and buy the same one for themselves online instantaneously. Visual Search is currently a particular digital marketing capability for the fashion sector, however, it has the ability to be used when individuals want to purchase just about anything they see in the world around them. To find out more, there are professionals available online who can assist with marketing in a plethora of dynamic ways, such as the Shopify experts at www.blackbeltcommerce.com.

2019 will be an exciting year for digital marketing, and as new technologies are popping up everywhere, only time will tell which of these works of algorithmic genius will be top of the pile come next year. Remember, digital marketing is not a small game; it is, in fact, so quick it is easy for you to be left behind.