3 Crucial Mobile App Marketing Mistakes You Should Avoid At All Costs

While many app developers understand the importance of testing, user experience, and scalability
among other things, many forget one of the most crucial aspects of a successful app: marketing.
Unfortunately, many developers end up making mistakes that could hinder their marketing efforts
and lead to disappointing sales. In this article, we’re going to explore three crucial mobile app
marketing mistakes you should avoid at all costs.

Assuming the App Replaces All Other Marketing

The Pareto Principle refers to the top 20% of any group that accounts for 80% of the resources used
or sales generated. It doesn’t matter how many apps someone has installed, they will use about 20%
of them 80% of the time. You cannot assume that installing an app is all you need to build a long
term relationship with that customer.

Not Linking Social Media and the App

Search engines are rewarding social media shares of content, so the ideal way is to send out content
marketing to your app users with a call to action to share it. This requires linking the app to social

However, users may not share the content if they already see the headline in their social media feed.
You can reward them by going through the app to get news by giving them the content first before it
goes through any other channel or reward them with recognition or freebies periodically in return
for sharing your content.

Ignoring SEO for the App Store

ASO is the acronym for app store optimization. It refers to the concept of optimizing the app store
installation page for your app. The app store installation page must include key search terms like the
name of the app, the brand, the company name and the purpose of the app. Your app store
installation pages need to refer to the devices that can run the app, and it needs to link to alternate
installation sites like the Apple app page linking to the Android app.
The title of the app must include the app name and describe what it is used for. The tags for the app
store installation page need to refer to the company’s name, brand, app purpose and category. Be
very careful of the category you put the app in, because poor categorization will strangle any other
app store optimization you do.

If you want to improve your marketing efforts, do use the app to improve your customer
relationships, but don’t assume the app in and of itself eliminates the need for any other marketing.
You should also consider getting an online MBA degree to brush up on your marketing skills.
Northeastern University has great AACSB online MBA programs that address new platforms.
Also, remember to link your app to social media especially if you use the app to share content

marketing pieces, but don’t assume that it will lead to social media shares. Reward users for using
the app and referring others to it to keep it in use and spreading.