How To Get Started With Digital Marketing Planning

There’s so much more to digital marketing than throwing some money at a Facebook Ads campaign or sharing some cute company photos on Instagram.

You’ll need to craft brilliant messages that touch your customers’ hearts while simultaneously driving conversion rates.

Keep reading to get a glimpse into the world of digital marketing planning. We’ll walk you through the steps you need to know, so join us below!

Use Your Metrics as a Guidepost

Building a digital marketing campaign without knowing your metrics is like going on a road trip without a map or GPS. You might reach your destination, but it’s going to be a messy and expensive journey.

Metrics are a great way to let you know which channels you should give some extra love to and which you’re already crushing.

Think of this step as a physical exam for your business. If there’s anything that needs improvement, you’ll catch it early, so you don’t keep wasting money!

Check Out the Competition

Here’s a fun fact for you: your competition already has a digital marketing plan. What’s more, their plan might be the reason why you’re slipping so far behind.

Fortunately, learning what they’re up to isn’t as hard as you’d think.

The process is too complicated to get into here, but know that there are some fantastic resources that make comparing your plans a breeze. You can look into everything from their engagement to web ranking and more.

Build a Buyer Persona

Data is great, but right now it might just seem like a bunch of meaningless figures. Well, this is where that changes.

A buyer persona is a fictional customer your team creates using the data you’ve accrued.

You’ll flesh out this person’s entire personality, including:

  • Hobbies
  • Income level
  • Education
  • Syntax
  • Pain points
  • Spending habits

By the end, you’ll have an entire persona that you can use as your target audience. Advertising to these fictional avatars allows your marketing to remain consistent, which is a must.

Generate Leads

Now it’s time to put your plan into action and see all of your prep work come to life! Using the information you’ve collected thus far, you should see business start to take a turn for the better.

However, running a full-time campaign takes a lot of time. Since you’ve already dedicated extra hours to building your digital marketing strategy, it’s important that you get back to what you do best.

Outsourcing your lead generation to a marketing firm is a great idea for this very reason. It allows you to spend more time on your job while putting your plan into the hands of experts who have tons of knowledge and resources.

They’ll be able to show you where you can improve, too. For example, they can help improve the capture rate on your homepage or boost your SEO.

Digital Marketing Planning Tips That Will Help You Soar

Digital marketing is all about planning and data collection. The more information you have, the easier it’ll be to create that significant buyer persona. Plus, you don’t have to do it alone should you choose to outsource.

Now take a deep breath. You can do this! Gather your team and start going through your metrics.

For more tips on digital marketing planning, explore the other great content on our blog!