Onboarding Remote Workers (4 Helpful Tips)

Attracting the right employees is one thing; onboarding them effectively into your workforce is another. The latter is no easy task, especially if they’re working fully remote roles. Regardless, effectively onboarding new workers is non-negotiable. Not only does it introduce your staff to the company, but it also gives them a baseline to build their efforts, ensuring their employees churn effective operational outputs. Here are four helpful tips to help you onboard your remote workers.

Plan a Warm Welcome

Geographical location shouldn’t be a blockade to a memorable first day at work. So, planning a welcome party should be on your to-do list. During the welcome party, existing employees can create short introduction videos that include their names, designation, advice, and messages for the new employees.

Your welcome day is also a great time to allow employees to get to know each other through various activities. Employees can compete to sing a specific popular song or anything fun that gets people talking even after the first day. You can leave the fun entirely to the first day if you aren’t constrained by time or other official duties like reviewing your remote working policy and operational plan.

Have All the Necessary Tools

Efficiency thrives on using effective tools and should be a top priority for your onboarding plans.

First, it helps to take a brand audit on each employee’s status. So, try to find out their operational needs and identify what you can provide based on your resource strength. Also, be sure to consider multiple sectors when conducting your brand audit, from work and entertainment to their overall health.

Also, note that remote working can be frustrating, and you’ll be helping your employees if there’s enough flexibility in your arrangements to balance work and leisure. Tools like these mini PCs for gaming can be your best bet if you want remote employees to take intermittent breaks from work to enjoy some fun computer games. Ensure remote team members have log-in credentials to any customized software available for work so they don’t feel left behind.

Encourage Them to Ask Questions

The overarching objective of onboarding new employees is to help them learn your company’s vision, mission, core values, etc. However, it’s tempting to lose track of time when you’re on an online call, so you can use a meeting checklist to help you facilitate meetings effectively.

With proper planning, employees will get the room to table their questions, especially if you’re a large company. You could argue that there can always be a time for that, so what’s the rush? Of course, that’s true. However, by engaging employees and their concerns, your company won’t lose too much at the hands of inexperienced workers.

Have Frequent Standups

Let’s face it; onboarding isn’t a one-day job. Employees need more time to grasp concepts and settle in their right portfolios. Rather than having a one-day show, consider doing frequent standups to ensure they’re on a level field.

Generally, onboarding officially ushers new employees into their roles. And these tips should help you onboard your employees remotely. Remember to consistently relate with your new employees to keep them more interested in working as part of your workforce.