119 Search results

For the term "icon".

OSX Dock Icon Set

Today’s featured freebies comes from AlienValley, These icons can be used for more than replacement and you can also integrate...

230 Wireframe Icons

Today’s featured realse comes from s-pov,  a set of 230 line icons which will help you build wireframes. They are free...

Outline Icon set by Linea

Todays featured freebies includes 350 line icons designed by Dario Ferrando  within the package includes various categories of icons like ...

Captain Icon: 350 Vector Icons

Here are a set of 350 amazing  icons set designed by Mario del Valle.  Includes various icon categories like design, sports, social or...

Flat Icons Set

Another contribution from Deividas Graužinis who recently released collection of 47 flat icons  in a fully-layered PSD file. Download the PSd from...

30+ iOS 7 like Icons Set

For this release I created a set of cool iOS7 style icons with some flat color gradient similar to the...

40+ Long Shadow Icons

Long shadow icon is a popular effect on flat color UI, or in this case icons, today I created a...