How to Prevent a Cyberattack in 5 Steps

Data breaches aren’t new as they’ve been an ongoing issue for years now. For this reason, cybersecurity has had to become a lot more sophisticated and offer solutions to individuals and organizations looking for more protection online. Although there are no guarantees, it is possible to reduce the risk of becoming a victim of a cyber attack. This often requires that you pay more attention to detail and have strict protocols in place that everyone has to follow. In case you want a quick breakdown of how to prevent a cyber attack, you’re going to find 5 steps of how you can do so below.

1.) Assess Risk Level

Before doing anything, it’s advisable that you assess your risk level. It’s important that in that process, you start by identifying threats. Some common examples include malware and ransom attacks, unintentional human error, unauthorized access, and data leaks. By doing this, you’ll be able to understand your areas of vulnerability and create contingency plans in response to this.

Once you’ve identified threats, you can use assessment tools and tests to help give you better insight into risks and threats within your current infrastructure. All of this information should help you make informed decisions regarding security moving forward. Another tip you should try that’s used by Apple and Google is planning your own hack to help you identify and fix any issues.

2.) Revisit Passwords

Another step that you should take if you want to prevent a cyber attack is making sure all of your passwords are secure. Go through each one and check to see that they’re long enough and include a mix of symbols, letters, and numbers. You should also check to see whether any have been reused or repeated on other platforms as that could make it easy for hackers to guess.

If you need help coming up with passwords, try brainstorming random sentences. Take the first letter of each word in the sentence and use the acronym to inform your password.

3.) Update Software

Updating any software that you may have on your computers is another step that you should take when trying to prevent a cyber attack. Software updates are also important because hackers can easily identify any irregularities. Make it a priority to set reminders or schedule updates so that it doesn’t get overlooked. Also, where possible, automate updates, so you don’t have to worry about it at all.

4.) Create a Contingency Plan

Seeing as nothing is absolute when it comes to online security, create a contingency plan just in case there is ever a cyber attack. Instead of being caught unaware, know exactly what you’re going to do and what steps you’ll take to get things under control. This could include steps such as calling in a professional to investigate the source of the data breach. If you visit, you’ll find they offer similar services. In addition, it might be worth including PR in to cover up any major messes made in relation to your brand.

5.) Avoid Phishing Scams

A final step you can take to prevent cyber attacks would be to avoid phishing scams. These are usually a method that cybercriminals use to get sensitive information from you. It may come in the form of a fake and malicious link, unfamiliar email or request to download an attachment. To prevent phishing, look for cross-site scripting and make sure your applications are secure.

Cyber attacks could result in a significant amount of lost revenue as well as tarnish your image. With that being said, doing all that you can to prevent one from happening is essential. It could save you the stress and setbacks that occur as a result of a cyber attack.