The Importance of Armor in Tarkov: A Guide to Self-Protection

Armor is a game-changer in Escape from Tarkov, the unforgiving first-person shooter. Equipping the right gear is survival’s linchpin. With a plethora of options, it’s vital to grasp armor mechanics.

We’ll delve into the importance of armor and how it can protect us in the fast-paced, high-stakes situations we face throughout our Escape from Tarkov journey.

Understanding Armor in Tarkov

In Escape from Tarkov, armor knowledge is paramount for survival. This guide explores armor types, effectiveness, and their vital role in thriving within the game’s brutal battlegrounds.

Basics of Armor

In Tarkov, armor plays a vital role in protecting players from damage. Armor reduces incoming damage and can be the difference between life and death. There are various types of armor with different levels of protection, known as armor class.

Armor Class

Armor in Tarkov is categorized into six different classes, ranging from class 1 to class 6. The higher the class, the greater the protection. A higher-class armor will generally provide better protection against bullets with higher pen values.

Armor Class Protection Level
1 Low
2 Basic
3 Moderate
4 High
5 Very High
6 Maximum

Materials of Armor

Armor is made from various materials, which influence its effectiveness. Common materials include steel, combined materials, titan, ceramic, and aluminium. Each material has unique properties, affecting factors like protection, weight, and durability.

  • Steel: Heavy and durable
  • Combined materials: Balanced protection and weight
  • Titan: Lightweight with high protection
  • Ceramic: High protection but fragile
  • Aluminium: Lightweight, but less protective

Armor Durability

Durability is a crucial aspect of armor in Tarkov. As armor takes damage, its durability decreases, reducing its protective capabilities. When durability reaches zero, the armor becomes ineffective. The effective durability of armor depends on the material, with some materials being more resilient than others.

Choosing the Right Body Armor

Selecting the optimal body armor in Escape from Tarkov can be a game-changer. In this guide, we’ll uncover the key factors to consider when choosing your protective gear.

Chest Armor

Chest armor is important in Tarkov as it protects the largest and most vital part of our body. Different classes of armor offer varying levels of protection. For example, class 3 body armor can protect against bullets with less than 30 penetration power, while class 6 armor can stop ammo with around 60 penetration power. It’s crucial to choose armor based on the threats we expect to encounter.

Armor Vests

Armor vests protect our thorax, making them essential in our battles. Some popular options are Gzhel and Zabralo. The Gzhel is a class 4 armor vest, providing decent protection and weight balance, while the Zabralo, a class 6 armor, offers heavy-duty protection for high-risk scenarios.

Plate Carriers

Plate carriers are designed to hold armor plates that provide additional protection to the chest, back, and sometimes the sides of our torso. The Korund-VM plate carrier is a popular option, offering class 5 protection and a 50/50 capacity-to-weight ratio.

Armored Chest Rigs

Armored chest rigs combine the functions of tactical rigs and armor vests, providing both storage and protection. These versatile options make it harder for enemies to loot our gear, as they need to drop both their rig and armor to claim our armored rig. Switching out armor is quick, but transferring mags and other items into a newly acquired chest rig takes time. This can make it a strategic choice for us when managing our resources and inventory.

Insights into Armored Helmet

In Escape from Tarkov, your helmet can mean the difference between life and death. Explore the world of armored headgear, its types, and strategic significance in this insightful guide.

Helmet Types

In Escape from Tarkov, there are various types of armored helmets, ranging from Class 1 to Class 6. Lower-class helmets, such as the SSH-68, offer basic protection, while higher-class helmets, like the Altyn, provide a more advanced defense. Some helmets also include visors to protect the eyes, such as the Kiver-M.

Helmet Effectiveness

Helmets are designed with specific durability points, which determine how much damage they can withstand. As the class of a helmet increases, so does its effectiveness against different types of bullets. For instance, the MSA ACH TC-2002 MICH Series and the 6B47 Ratnik-BSH Helmet offer higher protection levels than lower-tier helmets like the TC-2002.

Ricochet Chance

A critical aspect of armored headwear is the ricochet chance, which refers to the likelihood that a bullet will glance off an armored helmet without causing harm to the wearer. Helmets like the SSH-68 are known for having a high ricochet chance, making them a valuable piece of gear for players in Tarkov.

Armor and Mobility

Balancing armor and mobility is a critical choice in Escape from Tarkov. This guide explores the delicate equilibrium between protection and agility, essential for surviving the game’s perilous encounters.

Weight and Movement Speed

In Escape from Tarkov, armor plays a crucial role in protecting your character. It is essential to understand the relationship between armor weight and movement speed. Heavier armor provides better protection but slows down movement speed, while lighter armor allows for greater mobility with less protection. It’s important to strike a balance between the two based on your playstyle and the specific situation in the game.

Turning Speed and Armor Penalties

Another factor to consider is turning speed and armor penalties. Heavier armor can impact your character’s ability to turn quickly and efficiently, potentially making you an easier target for enemies. Additionally, wearing armor with a higher class can sometimes result in armor penalties, such as reduced stamina recovery or louder footsteps. We recommend experimenting with different armor types to find the best balance between protection and mobility for your play style.

Ballistics and Armor

In Escape from Tarkov, understanding ballistics and armor is paramount. This guide delves into the intricacies of how different ammunition interacts with various types of armor, shaping your survival strategies.

Understanding Penetration

In Escape from Tarkov, ballistics and armor play a crucial role in our survival. We must understand the penetration values of bullets to effectively use our armor and tactical rigs. Higher penetration power can bypass stronger armor. For instance:

  • Class 3 armor: stops bullets with < 30 penetration power
  • Class 6 armor: stops bullets with ≤ 60 penetration power

Bullet Impact

It’s important for us to choose the right ammunition for our weapons to maximize bullet impact and armor penetration. We should also be mindful of the trade-offs between armor vests and chest rigs. Armor vests offer better protection, while chest rigs provide storage and more mobility. For more winning hacks, check Escape from Tarkov cheats and enjoy success.


In Escape from Tarkov, armor is crucial for increasing our chances of survival. High-quality armor protects us from various types of bullets and reduces the risk of injury. Ideally, our armor should provide a balance between protection and mobility.

Wearing helmets with high ricochet chances can be an effective way to increase survivability. Furthermore, using armor vests instead of chest rigs often offers better protection.

Ultimately, selecting the right armor for our playstyle and the specific situation is pivotal to getting ahead in Escape from Tarkov.